Best Wedding Services in Lafayette, LA

Quickly connect with the top wedding planners and service providers serving Lafayette, LA. Read reviews from verified customers. Post your requirements and get no obligation estimates.

Hi, I'm Natalie of Natalie Phillips Photography, if you didn't already know. I'm the girl behind the camera. Since I can remember I've loved documenting things - emotions, feelings, and everything in between. In high school I did the photographs for our yearbook club. After I graduated, my mom suggested I major in it. Here we are 7 years later. I married
Weddings are our heartbeat. We can handle all of the details from "Yes" to "I Do!" and make your wedding dreams a reality. Whether relaxation or adventure, Southern Couture can help plan your dream honeymoon or vacation. People may not remember what you said, but they will never forget the way you made them feel. I just wanted to say thanks again for
You want the best entertainment experience for your guests. You can be assured of that when you partner with us. We provide the ideal soundtrack and atmosphere to encourage people to relax, have fun, dance and enjoy themselves! You deserve an unmatched level of service. Our experienced, professional DJ entertainers are ready to provide the best event